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This is the second of six posts as we continue to delve deeper into each of the six steps of our free available guide - "6 Steps to Assessing Your Online Marketing Spend". If you haven't already you can sign up below to download this guide.

This post continues with step two of the guide, setting a target for success.

Step two of the guide explains the importance of setting a target to understand what success is for your campaigns and whether your efforts are effective. In this post we provide a quiz to help understand what metric should be your focus.

In this post we will help you in choosing the most appropriate primary metric for you to set a target. In the guide we only touch on ROI & CPA metrics and of course there are more options to choose from.

By answering the following questions in this short quiz, we will help by giving our best thoughts for your business and marketing efforts.

Now you know your chosen metric you will need to set specific targets for your marketing activity. Whilst setting your actual target, we have listed a few recommendations to keep in consideration...

  • SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Timely)

  • Total costs / profit margins

  • Sales time lag

  • Marketing plan

  • Realistic influence on current performance

  • Seasonality

We hope this helps you set a target for your marketing campaigns. Failing this do feel free to contact us to see if we can help.

Sign up below to access the full FREE guide to "Assessing the Effectiveness of your Online Marketing Spend".


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